Woop woop Uz

It is easy to get architecture burnout in Uzbekistan. And we did. There is supposed to be great hiking and birdwatching in the mountains of the Nuratau-Kyzylkum Biosphere Reserve, which is about three hours north of Samarkand. This area is also where you can experience Uzbekistan’s community-based tourism project, the only one of its kindContinue reading “Woop woop Uz”

Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Samarkand is one of Central Asia’s oldest settlements. A key Silk Road city, it sat on the crossroads leading to China, India and Persia, bringing in trade and artisans. Many have ruled here, including the Turks, Arabs, Persians, Mongolians, and of course, Genghis Khan. It became Central Asia’s economic and cultural epicentre in the 1300sContinue reading “Samarkand, Uzbekistan”

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

After overdosing on nature and hiking in Kyrgyzstan, I was ready for some Silk Road history, stunning Islamic architecture, perhaps a bit more plov as well as a little heat. It’s only the end of May but it’s already pretty toasty, getting up to around 30 degrees during the day with the sun beating down like there’sContinue reading “Tashkent, Uzbekistan”